Berlin, Album released on 26.03.22
Bitte Aussteigen means "please leave the train" and it is usually announced at the last station. Processing the past 7 years in Berlin, I let all voices out, in stumbling and orchestrated motion that covers my experience of the art world, the parties, sex, health and german bureaucracy.
Listen to it on
and sing along to it on
Cover art by Laura Mas
For us the cheerleading project felt a bit like a coming out, in the sense that we were empowered in a political role that we chose to perform and not a preconceived activism that was expected from us. At the same time that we were demanding our rights we were also creating space to perform who we are and as we are. In the cheerleading group we stand for creating a political environment that enables us to enact the future personas we envision for ourselves in more equitable societies.
|Picture by Rhonda Winter|
Most Private Needs
("Site Unseen" - Collective exhibition, Monopol September 2020)
“Take it into the palms of your hands. Mold it into the shape of your most Private need. Sculpt it into The image of your most public self.” -Maya Angelou
Dancing to the music of the streets opens a gap in an apparently packed scenario. Drawing out the undercurrents, dance lends a forgiving platform of public dialogue and anonymity, where trimmed expressions and constrained passions can breathe.
This installation displays a selection of videos filmed in different Berlin neighborhoods over three years. The moving images are projected on two parallel screens, along a wooden arcade, which functions as a generic public space. The structure is light and the videos transparent. The ensuing visual experience engulfs its audience who become an active character in shaping the spectacle.
|Pictures by Mihály Podobni|
Berlin, Wedding
The Youtube Channel is an undercover invitation to awaken our agency to directly shape the public sphere.
Recorded in the artist’s neighbourhood, the channel connects the city and the self-under-construction with an open-ended question to its audience: how would public space rearrange if we bring it our instinctive selves?
...I’m sharing my struggle with bringing queerness to the city and fishing for reciprocal energies. The construction of themselves (Mateos) is the construction of their surroundings lol...
Echo Dialogues
Scaffolding accompanies the transformation and growth of a city. It is the structure that enables new arrangements of material and new relations among inhabitants. It is the face of change.
Here, a scaffolding structure is assembled across an abandoned water tank, which lies dormant in the terrain of a repurposed factory. The walls of the water tank serve as an echo chamber and a screen, collecting and repeating light and sound from its surroundings and its own history.
Visitors, artists, performers gather in experimental dialogue with the assembled architecture, the hosting walls and each other.
The construction of the self is the construction of its surroundings
THE CONST. OF THE SELF IS THE CONST. OF ITS SURROUNDINGS - Mateo Argerich (Solo Exhibition),Berlin
The construction of identity happens alongside the weaving of urban tissue.
Visitors are invited into the artist’s room, a private space, where he operates his morphing identities. They invade the space, those who have helped mould and shape the identity of the artist’s “private explorations.” Private identity is a public matter.
Over three years the artist documented their adaptation to Berlin. These videos are projected into the skin of a building supported by a scaffolding structure. Scaffolding emblematises the tension between public and private identity.
Scaffolding assists the skin, allowing for healing, repairing, and affixation. Identity is constructed across this permeable membrane, held by its network of parts.
Under construction.
|Picture by Mihály Podobni|
Commons Ritual
A score for a ritual, designed for a community in Leipzig sharing living and working space as a commons.
Following simple communication drills the community moves through the shared spaces of the building, ending up in a communal celebration.
The score is a tool for renewing the pact the participants have amongst themselves to constitute a community, and of this community to inhabit their space.
It allows people from the neighborhood to join when presented with a simple, self-guided physical language, becoming “open source”. It is a tool to create spatial and community awareness.
Bauhaus Mobil Bühne
Development for Stiftung Bauhaus, Dessau 2015
Mobilbühne is a reduction of Gropius´ design for the Bauhaus theatre in Dessau. His design presents four central columns, where the stage, grades and mensa converge just like the axes of a cathedral do into the altar. The four columns are reconstructed in wood while the metal tube presents a flexible, playful limit which reconstructs the other axis from Gropius´s design. Bauhaus Mobil Bühne is an open structure enabling space exploration in direct relation to the performing body, just like in Schlemmer times.